
Membership at Living Hope Bible Church

The first and best way to get involved at Living Hope Bible Church is to join the church. As disciples of Jesus, we are unified by our identity in Christ. Being a member makes our commitment to Christ and his people visible through the local church. It is a regular privilege that involves us in one another's lives for the purposes of the gospel. Our prayer is that membership at Living Hope Bible Church would display to those around us what God’s love looks like. We would love for you to join us.

Requirements for Membership

​A person must be a disciple of Jesus Christ:

  • born again

  • baptized in faith by full immersion

  • in agreement with the doctrine, covenant, and bylaws of Living Hope Bible Church

Steps to Membership

Step 1

Membership Class

Whether you have decided to become a member or if you are just interested in learning more about what membership is at Living Hope Bible Church, sign up for this 3-week class.

See when the next class is available.

Step 2

Familiarize yourself with the doctrine and structure of the church.

Before you fill out the application form, please study the following church documents to help you familiarize yourself with what the church teaches and how it functions:

Step 3

Fill out the membership application form.

Fill out the membership application here (If for any reason you are not able to fill out the electronic version, please contact Nikolay Kolesnik at

Step 4

Meet with the pastors.

After you have completed all the steps, contact Nikolay Kolesnik to schedule a meeting with the pastors.

At the meeting with the pastors, be prepared to share your personal testimony and talk about the doctrine of the church and its structure.

It is also a good opportunity for you to ask the pastors any questions you may have about the life of the church, its vision, primary mission, and ministries.

Step 5

Introduction to the church.

When you complete the membership process, you will be introduced as a new member of Living Hope Bible Church at one of the services.

Get in touch

For any questions, contact Pastor Nikolay Kolesnik.